Athitya Soft


search engine optimization

Why Do we need Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Future of the business is in Web. We are being bonded to digital world more and more stronger than a day before. Whenever we were looking for a product or service, we take our mobile or switch on our laptop and open google or any other search engine and search for our needs. In fact, 40 percent of website traffic begins with a search query. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important.

Goal of SEO

The goal of SEO is to boost the volume and quality of inbound traffic to your site. Because it connects searchers with content that is most relevant to them, it benefits both consumers and businesses. This implies that customers get the information they need, Almost all search engines want to show the proper business to their customers. For Ex. If u want to purchase a laptop and the search engine shows the results of mobile, you are not going to visit the search engine second time. Showing the perfect result is the goal of all search engines. Search engines are engineered in a certain way with lot of algorithms to find the perfect search result for their customers. Goal of SEO is to place our website on top of the Search engine with full optimization of our website.

SEO Increases Visibility of the website

Users are more likely to choose one of the top five options presented by a search engine while looking for a service or product online. SEO helps you rank higher in search results and gain greater online visibility, increasing the likelihood that potential customers will visit your site and convert.

SEO Increases Business

Small company owners may utilise SEO to build quick, resilient, and user-friendly websites that rank higher in search engines, bringing in more qualified potential consumers and increasing conversion rates.

Search engine users are more likely to trust a site that is on the top page of search engine results pages than companies that are not. A customer when search for a particular product or service on any search engine, Google or Bing will not look more than a single page. IF you are on the top of the result or atleast within top 3 or 4 you are surely going to get a call from that customer.

Local SEO is the Key for Success

Local SEO is a type of search engine optimization (SEO) that makes your company more prominent in Google’s local search results. Local SEO can assist any company that has a physical location or serves a specific geographic area. Local SEO can help you expand your business if you search Google or bing for any essential keywords linked to your business and a map with three listings shows underneath it.

Google discovered that customers looking for specific types of companies want results from their immediate location after researching user behaviour during trillions of searches. That’s why Google’s local search algorithm includes a proximity component, which is a fancy way of saying that when you search for a local phrase, Google considers your location. Even if the searcher does not mention a city name or “near me” in their query, this occurs.

SEO is the best way of Marketing

SEO is undoubtedly the most effective and cost-effective marketing method available today. It will also attract people who are actively looking for your goods or service! We hope SEO is the cost effective method available for marketing. All other marketing methods are more costlier than this.

SEO will assist targeted traffic to your website and eventually more clients to your business than any other marketing approach you’ll ever use. SEO will take your business to BRAND. SEO will create a credibility of your business with customer. It is the best advertising method and a long term approach then going for Ads.